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Grievance Redressal


I.  Scope and Objective of the Policy

    The scope and objective of this Policy is to lay down Agora’s Grievance Redressal Procedure for complaints received from client            borrowers- active or previous. The Procedure has been designed keeping in mind optimum adherence to:

     1.    RBI’s Fair Practice Code and The Microfinance Industry Self Regulatory Organisations’ Unified Code of Conduct

     2.    Safeguarding and enhancing the brand value of Agora Microfinance India Limited

     3.    Constantly assessing the adequacy of our products and services with the aim of elevating client service to optimum levels.


II.  Appointment of a Responsibility Head for attaining the Objectives of the Policy

    In order to achieve the objectives of this Policy, the Company shall appoint a member of the Management to be the Grievance            Redressal Officer (GRO). Such an individual, as per RBI guidelines, will be an employee of the Head Office and one who is not part      of the Operations Team. The Board shall appoint the Grievance Redressal Officer every year. In case of absence of office of the            designated GRO due to any reason, an employee as thought suitable by the CEO shall be temporarily appointed to the office for        a period specified in the notice.


III. Receipt of the complaint

    Every field officer will be encouraged to create awareness of the existence of the Grievance Redressal Mechanism for any walk in          complaints received at field offices that are unresolved by the field office.


    The company has identified the following channels for receiving the complaints keeping in mind the ease of the grievant:


















   A log book of all complaints received will be maintained by the office of the Company’s Grievance Redressal Officer. Annexure A –       Grievance Register.


IV. Process of Resolution of the Grievance

    All complaints received by the Grievance Redressal Officer will first be shared with the SMT, respective Operations in Charge/ Line      Manager and additionally, the Human Resource Manager in cases involving staff behaviour. Simultaneously, the GRO will also be          encouraged to have an independent dialogue with the complainant, which will form part of an Independent Report.


V. Turn Around Times (TATs)

    Once the complaint is received by the GRO, an Independent Report containing facts of the matter alongwith recommended line          of action will be shared with the SMT and respective line manager within 5 working days from the date of receipt of complaint.

    The respective line manager shall report within 2 days of receiving the Independent Report, the line of action taken for the                    Grievant’s Redressal.


    The Grievance Redressal Procedure shall not extend beyond 7 HO Working days.


    The resolution of the complaint will be entered into the Grievance Register against the respective entry ( Annexure A – format )


    In case of complaints received from existing clients, the details of the same shall be recorded in the Company’s MIS /Client                    Tracking Software.


VI. Appeal to the DNBS, RBI

    If the complaint/ dispute is not redressed within a period of 1 month from the date of complaint, or if the grievant does not feel            adequately redressed, he (the grievant) may appeal to the Officer-in-Charge, Regional Office, DNBS, Reserve Bank of India,                  Garment House, 3rd Floor, Dr Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400018, Contact No. : 24924607, 24960893, 24933358. Fax No. :        24960912. Email :


VII. Ensuring awareness of the Grievance Mechanism of the Company externally and internally:

    Every office the company, shall display within its premises, the existence and availability of the grievance mechanism in service of        any aggrieved individual or group. The display notice shall state the following information:

     1.   Name of the Grievance Redressal officer (GRO )

     2.   Location of the GRO

     3.   Contact Number (s) of the GRO

     4.   Email address where complaints could be lodged

     5.   The availability of the complaint box within the premises where written complaints can be deposited 6.      Turn Around Time                  for Redressal Address of the Officer-in-Charge, DNBS, RBI


    The contact points of grievance registration shall also be printed on all written communication that go to clients. A soft copy of the      Policy shall be available on the Company’s web address at


VII. Board Reporting

    The Board shall be presented with a quarterly status sheet on the Grievance Redressal System noting the number of grievances             received, nature of grievance and the action taken.


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