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Agora's focus is on individual lending, with a group mechanism incorporated in cases where the livelihood or life style of the borrower requires it.  Although some exceptions may be made in cases of livelihood financing of enterprises that clearly demonstrate that they provide employment to a large number of low-income individuals, we lend within the regulator's definition of microfinance.

We keep our loan terms simple and transparent and ensure a that the loan assessment process is robust and standardized.  Training of branch staff in products and processes is a priority and demand a high level of courtesy and customer service from our staff when dealing with clients.  In our portfolio management we utilize  technology that aids transparency, customization possibilities and makes operations efficient.   Each Branch Office coordinates the loan application, disbursement and repayment process and the Client Officers are the primary contact point for the clients.  The usual place of transaction for the clients is their local Field Office.






Our loan products are designed to meet different needs of the market.





A voluntary life insurance product.

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